Who we are

We partner with you, your team, and your organisation to turn the ordinary into something extraordinary through everyday brilliance.

Our Story

The inspiration for our company name came from the Zebra Blue butterfly. In Africa, the Zebra Blue is a common and prolific species. In some ways, it is quite ordinary and ‘everyday’. But what makes the Zebra Blue butterfly brilliant is that its zebra markings and touches of blue surprise and delight us.

The juxtaposition of two very different species – a zebra and a butterfly – makes us pause, think and question our assumptions. A zebra and a butterfly each brilliant in its own way are here, together, embodied in an extraordinary way.

Zebra Blue

Naturally, there’s the link with change and transformation usually associated with butterflies.

There’s also the association with the ‘butterfly effect’ – the theory that a tiny action can produce tremendous change. Even the smallest behavioural shift can have a profound impact on how we connect with others, unlock new thinking, and bring about positive change.

There’s something very powerful in the idea of everyday brilliance. How small moments of brilliance every day, multiply and ripple to create lasting positive change.

This goes to the heart of, firstly, what the team at Zebra Blue believe in and stand for. And secondly, that everyday brilliance is what we help our clients to achieve through the work we do.

It's easy to get started

Turn the ordinary into something extraordinary through everyday brilliance.

Our Approach

Our work is positive, powerful and practical so that you can immediately take action and create change through acts of ‘Everyday Brilliance’.